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Academy 4.0

As Konzek Teknoloji , within the scope of our social responsibility activities, we have implemented the digital transformation, training and innovation platform, which we aim to provide networking opportunities for all companies operating in Turkey and their employees in the field of Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence, and which we do not seek for profit. We organize face-to-face and online “Digital Conversations” programs with instructors and industry professionals who are experts in digital transformation, Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence.

It continues to be published on our digital platforms both as a video and as a podcast. The Academy 4.0 platform also supports industry professionals and students who want to organize their own events. We offer our event – meeting space, which we call Akademi 4.0 Hub and located in Maltepe, Istanbul, free of charge for event requests.


To date, we have held more than 20 online events on topics such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and the number of events is increasing day by day.

In these events, we help industry professionals and students, new graduates and anyone who wants to improve themselves in this field meet and help them improve themselves. At the same time, we support the dissemination of information sharing by not publishing articles and content on our “ Become an Author ” platform, which we have created for those who want to convey their knowledge by producing content. 136bad5cf58d_ We have made the Academy 4.0 Industrial Glossary an easily accessible resource for anyone who wants to improve themselves in this field. You can visit -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_address.

Fusion Robotics

In addition to our educational activities, we also care about the projects developed by the students and their success in the competitions they participate in. In this context, we support the student team of   Fusion Robotics  Bahçelievler Municipality Füsun Yonder Anatolian High School, which takes part in projects and competitions in the field of coding and robotics.

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